Singapore must prepare for a very different future, says PM Lee
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong meeting Presidential Guards from the Military Police during the National Day Observance Ceremony at the Istana yesterday. ST PHOTO: KEVIN LIM He says world is entering troubled period, but past proves nation can overcome challenges Singaporeans need to prepare for a "very different future", [...]
The 20 universities around the world that produce the richest grads
Harvard professor reads a newspaper before the commencement exercises at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. REUTERS/Brian Snyder Elite colleges and universities enroll — and graduate — some of the wealthiest people on earth. Each year, research firm Wealth-X identifies the colleges and universities with the highest number of “ultra [...]
Warren Buffett to MBA students: This is what ‘sets apart a big winner from the rest of the pack’
Philanthropist Warren Buffett is joined onstage by 24 other philanthropist and influential business people featured on the Forbes list of 100 Greatest Business Minds during the Forbes Media Centennial Celebration at Pier 60 on September 19, 2017 Daniel Zuchnik | Contributor | Getty Images At 88, Warren Buffett has [...]
Understanding the importance of outdoor play
The lives of children today are vastly different from the past. Children today have few opportunities to play with the grass, trees and flowers outside. They don’t learn about nature through nature itself, but through computer screens. Children’s interaction with the natural world has reduced due to a number [...]
Study links behavior in kindergarten to adult success
(CNN)- In our household, we're still talking about the critically acclaimed box office smash "Inside Out," Pixar's animated look at the emotions inside a child's brain. It came up most recently when we watched Serena Williams cruise to another victory at this year's Wimbledon, and my youngest daughter, age [...]
Here’s how to teach your kids to lose (and why that’s okay)
As a sports coach for young kids, Sam Weinman has seen plenty of thrown bats, sour attitudes and tears — all following losses. As a sports journalist, though, he’s observed how professional athletes use losses to boost their skills. Those experiences inspired him to write the book “Win at [...]
Top founders share these skills, says investor who backed Alibaba, Grab and Xiaomi
What makes the perfect start-up founder? It’s the billion-dollar question to which few, if any, know the answer. But one woman who comes closer than most is famed venture capitalist Jenny Lee, whose investments via Silicon Valley-headquartered GGV Capital have helped place her among Forbes’ top tech investors globally. [...]
What Is Grit, Why Kids Need It, and How You Can Foster It
You’ve probably heard the word grit mentioned several times in the recent years in the context of raising kids who go on to fulfill their potential. While the word grit may conjure images of Rocky Balboa or Dirty Harry, in the past decade or so it has taken on [...]
Why Parents Today Aren’t Strict Enough
"Undisciplined toddlers become obnoxious children who grow into spoiled teenagers and entitled adults." Recently I was leaving the schoolyard with my six-year-old daughter when we were overtaken by a mother trying to get her second-grade daughter and four-year-old son out of the park. The boy was underwhelmed with the [...]
Let Children Get Bored Again
Boredom teaches us that life isn’t a parade of amusements. More important, it spawns creativity and self-sufficiency. “I’m bored.” It’s a puny little phrase, yet it has the power to fill parents with a cascade of dread, annoyance and guilt. If someone around here is bored, someone else must [...]
The future of work won’t be about college degrees, it will be about job skills
According to the survey Freelancing in America 2018, released Wednesday, 93 percent of freelancers with a four-year college degree say skills training was useful versus only 79 percent who say their college education was useful to the work they do now. Sixty-five percent of children entering primary school will [...]
Mandarin Learning Is a Must
America's economic growth is inextricably tied to the strength of its bilateral trade and investment relationships around the world, but we will fall short of achieving our full economic potential if we fail to prepare the next generation to manage those relationships. Tomorrow's leaders must be able to compete, [...]
Critical thinking key to countering fake news
Some of my students, despite having graduated from top universities in their own country, believed everything I said simply because I was the teacher, the "approved" authority. So compliant was this cohort that it was an uphill task getting them to challenge the "wrong information" I sometimes deliberately presented to [...]
Why aren’t there more Singaporean CEOs?
Companies regard Singaporean managers as competent, honest, and hardworking – but Singaporeans need to step up, says EDB’s Chng Kai Fong. SINGAPORE: In the last 10 years, we have created a vibrant economy of good jobs and opportunities. Graduates enter a diverse and exciting job market, with many pathways [...]