Sage Sports
As part of our regular curriculum, Sage Sports incorporates various facets of training used by professional athletes, senior managers and elite preschools in the Unites States and United Kingdom. As we have profound knowledge of how people evolve to be true champions of various fields, we use Sage Sports, a structured program that simplifies sports including tennis, basketball, soccer and other fun activities, to develop young children’s physical and mental fortitude necessary to becoming a champion.
A substantial portion of EQ (emotional quotient) such as grit, team work and passion to win (and ability to handle defeat) is developed here. Our sports program will train the child to be an individual who seeks to win for herself/himself, but at the same time learn how to share responsibilities and work as a team, putting the team’s interest ahead of that of the individual. This mindset will prepare them at excelling in whatever endeavors they may choose in the future.
PG and N1 – Sage Fitness
Activities are geared towards development of gross motor skills and following instructions. They will be introduced to rudimentary forms of team competition.
N2, K1, K2 – Sage Sports
Designed for more refined physical development and coordination. There will be various forms of individual and team competition including those used in multinational corporations to nurture senior executives.

We partner with Soccajoeys, Australia’s leading and premier childhood development soccer program, to further hone the emotional intelligence and physical development of our students across all ages.